Why look forward to mornings? New mornings, are new beginnings


Do you also look forward to waking up to a good morning? What does a “good” morning mean to you? Do you also, like me, look forward to breakfast and your morning cup (or mug) of coffee? What kind of coffee do you like or love?


For me, I love mornings. Especially, if you’ve gotten a good night’s sleep the night before. I look forward to a hearty breakfast around a table with loved-ones. And also, to a large mug of coffee. Just one serving of coffee is enough for me. As for food, we’ve grown accustomed to the traditional Filipino breakfast. And our good mom cycles the same set of food items. For me, that’s okay. I like her good cooking. It’s one made with love. No, really. For her, at her age and condition, to always wake up to ready and prepare our first meal of the day, is something we ought to appreciate and commend.


Returning to why I love mornings. Apart from breakfast, is that if I do my tasks (work or study) early in the morning. I find that I have the motivation and energy to carry out more work. Than how it is, when I put things off for later in the afternoon — when, I’m likely more sluggish and unwilling to do work, or study. Except when it’s absolutely necessary.

Starting early in the morning also allows me to connect to God.

I believe in the Lord, our God. I believe in heaven, and unfortunately, there is also a place of damnation, or hell, as we all call it. I’m a Roman Catholic. And still, working and striving to become a more practicing one at that. For me, I think a lifetime isn’t enough to become a practicing one. For we always fall. Everybody falls short. We all sin, just in different ways. We all require and need God in every milli-second of our life and beyond. We need God’s graces and mercy.

With this, I do start my day with prayer. I try to at least, to become thoughtful and consistent with my prayer-life. Now-a-days, at least — I try to pray more often.

This wasn’t the case before.

For it was only through my good mom. Yes, with her nags, and constant reminders that drove me to one day to start praying. To put God first, in the morning.

I also learned from a holy priest from the order of the Divine Word. To begin your day kneeling in front of the Holy Cross of our Lord Jesus, the Christ. Additionally, I do listen to holy priests’ homilies, to the missal readings and Gospel, when possible.

We can learn a lot from other people. Honestly, we can learn a lot from anybody we meet in our journey. Please note, that you can learn something from your daily life. From your parents, from your siblings, from your friends, from the tricycle driver taking you to school or work, from the office janitor, or the security guard at the door, or from the lowly beggar in the street.

Friends, we can learn a lot of good from each other. Just see, and open your eyes. Listen, as compared to just hearing someone. Listening means a deeper way of receiving and processing what was said. Listening can bring about change in a person, or action.

For me, after prayers and reflection, it gives me strength and a good perspective to begin my work and other tasks with.

And, I’m thankful for life. For my God, for other people, and especially for my family and a few good friends that I still have.

My friend, how about you?

Do you also look forward to “good mornings”. Do you also look forward to breakfast, or coffee?

Coming from myself, I ask you now to also try prayer. It need not be complicated, or lengthy. It just needs to come from your heart. And prayer works best if you do so, often. As a relationship with God, is much akin to any relationship, or friendship here on Earth. You need constant communication, a sincere one at that.

Well, I guess this brings us to the end of this post, my friends.

Thank you.

And, may God bless you!



